
From the Archives.

This is a selection of articles published on in the past ten years.

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Synchronized Swimmers

Synchronized Swimmers Do you remember Caster Semenya – winner of the World Championship 800m gold medal in 2009? The International Olympics Committee …


Olympics Will the 2012 Olympics be remembered as having provided a platform for women’s rights and gender equality. – amongst all the …

Honour Killing

Honour Killing The recent killing of Shafilea Ahmed by her parents has put the issues of honour killing and multi-culturalism in the …

Peace not War

Peace not War A call to have more women taking part in peace-making missions, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1325 …


Quotas Interestingly enough this comes at the same time as the European Commission postponed its own proposal that would oblige companies to …


Titanic Will the Titanic provide equality & diversity experts with much-needed new case-studies for training on ‘intersectionality’ – roughly to be translated …


Childbirth We can say that the ability to conceive and bear children is the last frontier of gender equality; it is possibly …

UK Slips

UK Slips It can of course be argued that the actual numbers of men and of women in political decision-making do not …


DSK The European Women’s Lobby (EWL) which is spearheading this renewed initiative ( takes as inspiration going forward the ‘Swedish model’. The …